2023.09.23 10:28 GMT+8

Minshan Mountains Series Ep. 6: The love of family

Updated 2023.09.23 10:28 GMT+8

In the dense forests of western China's Minshan Mountains, a wild boar follows its mother to the mountaintop to forage. Meanwhile, a young and clumsy takin embarks on its first summer migration under the guidance of its strict father. Watch the latest episode to learn more about the wild world on Minshan Mountains.

About Journeys in Nature: Minshan Mountains Series

Minshan Mountains are a mountain range lying at the borders of China's Sichuan and Gansu provinces. Most of the mountains have steep walls and sharp peaks. In this series, CGTN Nature's filming crew went into the mountain range located in Sichuan, which is also part of the Giant Panda National Park in China. They traveled through the dense forest and crossed the rapids to capture the scene of stunning nature and fairy-like animals. Stay tuned!

For more:

Minshan Mountains Series Ep. 1: What is the survival rule here?

Minshan Mountains Series Ep. 2: A macaque trapped on a rock in rapids

Minshan Mountains Series Ep. 3: Better safe than sorry in the forest

Minshan Mountains Series Ep. 4: Tiny moss has big use in nest building

Minshan Mountains Series Ep. 5: The battle between gorals and monkeys for territory

(Cover image a video screenshot; video by the CGTN Nature film crew)

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