China is accelerating its efforts to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060. In a step toward this goal, a team led by a leading professor from the Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center has achieved a major breakthrough, involving the world's largest wind generator. Experts say the innovation promises to enhance wind power performance and efficiency.
CHEN ZIJIAN Wuhan "You've all seen a wind generator? But do you know its key component? It's the permanent magnet motor."
Here are some small pieces of magnetic block, let me try to arrange it as a permanent magnet motor. Oh, the repel force is too strong. So hard to make it!
Much harder when the diameter of the large scale wind generator could be 10 meters!
Then the team of Professor Li Liang from Huazhong University of Science and Technology proposed a new idea.
LV YILIANG Associate Researcher, Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center, Huazhong University of Science and Technology "To make it more accurate and safer, we assemble the blocks first, then magnetize them afterwards as a whole."
Easier said than done, but the results are profound. Post-assembly magnetization improves the electrical and mechanical performance of motors, providing greater possibilities to make wind generators at a larger scale with higher efficiency.
LV YILIANG Associate Researcher, Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center, Huazhong University of Science and Technology "This technology has already been used in industrial applications. Recently, we've successfully applied post-assembly magnetization to a 20MW semi-direct drive permanent magnet wind generator, setting a world-leading benchmark."
Beyond wind generators, the ground-breaking technology has diverse applications. It rejuvenates retired permanent magnet wind generators and is expected to be used in high-speed trains, electric cars, maglev transportation and other vehicles, making them run faster with less noise.
CHEN ZIJIAN Wuhan "The Rome of Professor Li Liang's team was not built in a day. The Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center has made great contributions."
By combining pulsed high magnetic fields with extremely low temperatures and high pressure, the material reveals physical effects and phenomena that cannot usually be observed under normal conditions.
CHEN ZIJIAN Wuhan "Now, China's installed wind generators all over the country can generate more than 2 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity every day. Wind power will make an important contribution to China's goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2060. And the 'Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center' will certainly give us more surprises! Chen Zijian for CGTN, from Wuhan."