2023.10.18 12:52 GMT+8

Graphics: China's practice in emergency humanitarian assistance

Updated 2023.10.18 12:52 GMT+8

This year marks the 10th anniversary of China's introduction of the concept "a global community of a shared future."

China is the largest developing country in the world. As its overall national strength grows, China continues to promote the spirit of humanitarianism and the concept of "a global community with a shared future" with an internationalist vision. In the past decades, China has actively provided assistance for other countries facing humanitarian difficulties. 

According to the report titled "International development cooperation: China's practice," China has expanded the forms of emergency humanitarian assistance to include provision of supplies, cash assistance, the Global Development and South-South Cooperation Fund, and dispatching international search and rescue teams and medical expert groups to the recipient countries over recent years.  

From 2018 to 2022, China has carried out 822 foreign emergency humanitarian aid projects, with a total investment of about 15.2 billion yuan. Developing countries in Asia and Africa have been the largest recipients, receiving over 90 percent of the total funds from 2018 to 2022. 

China has also faithfully fulfilled its responsibilities as a permanent member of the UN Security Council. According to the latest data from China International Development Cooperation Agency, China sent more than 50,000 personnel to UN peacekeeping operations in over 20 countries and regions, and also provided escort for over 7,000 Chinese and foreign ships on the coast of Somalia over the past three decades. 

"Confronted by the rampant COVID-19 pandemic, China proposed to build a community of health for all," mentioned in the white paper titled "A Global Community of Shared Future: China's Proposals and Actions" released by the Chinese government in late September. 

After the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, China provided more than 10 billion masks and 2.3 billion doses of vaccines to other countries and jointly produced vaccines with over 20 countries. And China also received valuable support from more than 70 countries when it was hit hard by the pandemic. 

Read more:

Graphics: Road to building a global community of shared future

Graphics: China is committed to building an open world economy

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