2023.10.20 21:36 GMT+8

China and Pakistan issue joint statement on strengthening ties, enhancing cooperation

Updated 2023.10.20 21:36 GMT+8

The People's Republic of China and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan issued a joint statement on Friday strengthening the bilateral all-weather strategic cooperative partnership and practical cooperation in various areas.

The two sides will continue to view the relationship between China and Pakistan from a strategic and long-term perspective, move forward together on the path of development, and accelerate the building of an even closer China-Pakistan Community with a Shared Future in the new era, according to the joint statement.

Both sides agreed to work more closely together on high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, and usher in a bright future of peace, development and win-win cooperation, it added.

Noting the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) a pioneering project of the Belt and Road Initiative, the two sides reaffirmed the resolve to jointly build a growth corridor, a livelihood-enhancing corridor, an innovation corridor, a green corridor and an open corridor, and continue to build CPEC into an exemplary project of high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, said the statement.

The two sides also agreed to make efforts to enhance the level of bilateral people-to-people exchanges and facilitation, it added.

(Cover: A view of Gwadar port, one of the projects under China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, in southwest Pakistan's Gwadar, January 29, 2018. /Xinhua)

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