2023.10.24 11:33 GMT+8

Wang Yi says preventing Palestine-Israel conflict escalation imperative

Updated 2023.10.24 11:33 GMT+8

A view of the destruction caused by an Israeli strike in Gaza, October 23, 2023. /CFP

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Monday that it's imperative to prevent the ongoing Palestinian-Israeli conflict from escalating further and causing even more serious humanitarian hardship.

The current Palestinian-Israeli conflict affects the whole world and involves a major choice between war and peace, Wang, also member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, said in a phone conversation with Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen.

Cohen introduced Israel's position and security concerns on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

China is deeply concerned about the continued escalation of the conflict and the worsening situation, and deeply saddened by the large number of civilian casualties caused by the conflict, Wang said.

China condemns all acts that harm civilians and opposes any violation of international law, said Wang, adding that all countries have the right to self-defense, but they should respect international humanitarian law and protect the safety of civilians.

The two-state solution is the consensus of the international community, Wang added.

It is hoped that the two sides can consider the current situation as well as the long-term interests of peace and security shared by future generations, return to the right track of the two-state solution as soon as possible, resume peace talks and realize the peaceful coexistence of Palestine and Israel and the harmonious coexistence of the Arab and Jewish nations, he said.

China will firmly support anything that is conducive to peace and will do its best as long as it is conducive to the reconciliation between Palestine and Israel, he said.

A view of a street filled with debris after the Israeli air strikes on a building at Nuseirat Refugee Camp in Deir al-Balah, Gaza, October 23, 2023. /CFP

During a phone conversation with Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad Al-Maliki, Wang said what the people of Gaza need most is security, food and medicine, rather than war, weapons and ammunition.

Al-Maliki introduced the position of the Palestinian side, calling for an immediate ceasefire, the transportation of relief goods to the Gaza Strip as soon as possible, and treating the injured.

Al-Maliki expressed appreciation for China's support to the Palestinian people and hoped that with the help of the international community, the Palestinian issue can be solved from the root, and the establishment of an independent nation can be realized.

Wang said that China deeply sympathizes with the plight of the Palestinian side, especially the people in Gaza, and calls for an immediate ceasefire to stop the war and guarantee the most basic living conditions of the people in Gaza.

The UN Security Council should earnestly shoulder its responsibilities, and the international community must take urgent actions, said Wang, adding that countries outside the region, especially major countries, should adhere to objectivity and fairness and play a constructive role in de-escalating the crisis.

Noting that the two-state solution is the only way to solve the Palestinian issues, Wang said China calls for the convening of a more authoritative, more wide-ranging and more effective international peace conference as soon as possible to promote the early resumption of peace talks between Palestine and Israel and, to this end, formulate a specific timetable and roadmap. 

(With input from Xinhua)

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