China Media Group launches a new round of cooperation with Agence France-Presse
Updated 16:07, 26-Oct-2023

China Media Group (CMG) launches a new round of cooperation with Agence France-Presse (AFP) on Wednesday. 

Shen Haixiong, president of CMG, and Fabrice Fries, chairman and chief executive officer of AFP, signed a cooperation document on behalf of both parties in Paris, France. According to the agreement, both parties will take the Paris Olympics as an opportunity to strengthen cooperation in new media, artificial intelligence and other aspects, and expand cooperation in all aspects.

Shen Haixiong (L), president of CMG, and Fabrice Fries (R), chairman and chief executive officer of AFP, signed a cooperation document on behalf of both parties in Paris, France, October 25, 2023. /CMG
Shen Haixiong (L), president of CMG, and Fabrice Fries (R), chairman and chief executive officer of AFP, signed a cooperation document on behalf of both parties in Paris, France, October 25, 2023. /CMG

Shen Haixiong (L), president of CMG, and Fabrice Fries (R), chairman and chief executive officer of AFP, signed a cooperation document on behalf of both parties in Paris, France, October 25, 2023. /CMG

Fabrice Fries said that next year will be of historic significance to China and France. The 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France and the Paris Olympic Games have provided important opportunities for cooperation between the two sides. CMG will send a large-scale broadcast team to report the Paris Olympics and cooperate with AFP, which is also iconic. 

He pointed out that CMG's strong capabilities in leading innovation in recent years have deeply inspired international media colleagues. He hoped that the two parties will achieve new cooperation results as soon as possible.

China Media Group (CMG) launches a new round of cooperation with Agence France-Presse (AFP) in Paris, France, October 25, 2023. /CMG
China Media Group (CMG) launches a new round of cooperation with Agence France-Presse (AFP) in Paris, France, October 25, 2023. /CMG

China Media Group (CMG) launches a new round of cooperation with Agence France-Presse (AFP) in Paris, France, October 25, 2023. /CMG

According to Shen, in order to implement the consensus reached by Chinese President Xi Jinping and French President Emmanuel Macron at their meeting in April this year, CMG has launched extensive cooperation with various sectors of society in France. One of the priorities is to deepen cooperation with AFP and complement each other's advantages centering around the Paris Olympics. He hoped both sides continue to strengthen cooperation and jointly speak out for fairness and justice in the international public opinion field.

Accompanied by Philippe Jost, president of the public establishment for the conservation and restoration of the famed Notre Dame Cathedral in the French capital, Shen and his delegation visited the cathedral's restoration site to learn about the project. The restoration of the top of Notre Dame Cathedral is expected to be completed before the start of the Paris Olympics next year.

Shen also visited the Centre Pompidou in the company of Floriane de Saint Pierre, president of the Friends of the Centre Pompidou. The French side expressed their anticipation of working with CMG to welcome the 60th anniversary of diplomatic ties between the two countries, as well as the Paris Olympics.

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