2023.11.05 12:05 GMT+8

Look at the little panda

Updated 2023.11.05 12:05 GMT+8

August and September is the breeding period for giant pandas. Expectant female pandas start choosing the right caves as delivery rooms a month ahead. The mother panda chooses two to four caves as alternatives, so that if disturbed, the family can move safely in no time.

The two-month-old cub lacks strength in its hind legs and therefore moves around with its forelimbs. The sun keeps it warm and falling leaves are as silent as possible. Time flows slowly in the tranquil mountains. A panda cub's cave life usually lasts about 120 days, while the average lifespan of a wild giant panda is about 19 years. Without its mother by the side, the cub spends most of the day sleeping.

About Journeys in Nature: Qinling Panda Series

The Qinling mountain range divides China into north and south. The abundant natural resources have made Qinling home to countless flora and fauna. Among the residents, the giant panda with the life motto of "eat, sleep, repeat" is one of the most famous animals in the world. This series will present to you the daily routine of this famous animal, alongside its "neighbors" including the snub-nosed monkey, bamboo rats and takins. Follow CGTN's camera for more interesting stories!

For more:

Qinling Panda Series Ep. 8: What is life in a baby panda's cave like?

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