2023.11.05 13:03 GMT+8

Premier Li at CIIE: China's import volume to reach $17 trillion in next five years

Updated 2023.11.05 13:03 GMT+8

A view of the Shanghai Yangshan Deepwater Port, October 14, 2023. /CFP

China's imports of goods and services are expected to reach $17 trillion in cumulative terms in the next five years, Chinese Premier Li Qiang said on Sunday during his keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the sixth China International Import Expo (CIIE) and the Hongqiao International Economic Forum in Shanghai.

Noting that China has always been willing to share its market opportunities, Li said the country will actively expand imports, promote coordinated development of trade in goods and services, support innovation in foreign trade formats and models, and boost digital trade.

He vowed that the country will further expand market access and implement policies to remove barriers on foreign investment in the manufacturing sector.

To better play Shanghai's pioneering role in China's opening up, Li said a plan will be soon released to promote high-standard institutional opening up in the Shanghai Free Trade Zone, and a pilot zone for Silk Road e-commerce cooperation will be established in the city.

In the first three quarters of this year, China's GDP expanded 5.2 percent year on year as the country's economy has steadily advanced, indicating China is playing a more significant role in stabilizing and driving the world economic recovery, Li added.

(With input from Xinhua)

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