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An African and a Brit walked into a bar


Editor's note: Recently, some British media outlets revealed that a group of Chinese laundry workers who had been providing laundry services to the British Navy are now facing the possibility of being dismissed by the Navy due to "security concerns." These workers were referred to as "servants" by the British media in their reports. This kind of "white supremacy" racist rhetoric has quickly sparked controversy. T-House's satirical animation features a hypothetical conversation between a South African man and a British woman at a bar. What would they talk about? Have a look! The views expressed in the video are not necessarily those of CGTN.

African: Sawubona.

British: Aweh.

African: Oh, you speak South African!!!

British: Of course!! My ancestors colonized your country for many decades.

African: Those were very painful years.

British: But you became more civilized because of us.

African: At the cost of many human lives. Why are you Whites still so racist?

British: The whole world loves us Whites.

African: You're so full of yourselves.

British: It's true. Look at Thailand. All their top Superstars are Half-Breeds.

African: Half breeds? You call them Half-Breeds? You're racist!!!

British: Half Breeds, Half Caste, you're all the same.

African: You're incorrigible!!!

British: White people appear in advertisements all over the world.

African: Except for Malaysia, which banned Caucasians in ads and, movies from since the 80's.

British: They're too clever. But remember, half the planet speaks English.

African: Only because you're too unintelligent to learn other people's language!!!

British: The whole world loves us, I tell you.

African: You even called the Chinese as "servants" in the recent report on your Navy.

British: They serve us, so therefore, they're servants. Simple as that.

African: So "superior" that apartheid is your best trophy?

British: Nobody can touch us, I tell you.

African: You dehumanize people by calling them Wogs, Coolies, Half-Castes, Savages, Gunga Dins, Blackies, Niggers, Gooks, Chinks, HongKi's ...

British: Those were affectionate terms, and a long time ago.

African: Paki is a recent term though, and you still call them that today.

British: There's nothing you, or they can do about it. And if you're not happy, you can all just leave.

African: Anything you say, Pom.

British: Pom? Why that's insulting!!!

African: Pom Pom Pom Pommmmmm ... Now you know how it feels like.

(If you want to contribute and have specific expertise, please contact us at opinions@cgtn.com. Follow @thouse_opinions on Twitter to discover the latest commentaries in the CGTN Opinion Section.)

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