2023.11.08 15:04 GMT+8

Snow-hit northern China works to ensure traffic safety and food supplies

Updated 2023.11.08 15:04 GMT+8

Local governments in northern China are taking actions to guarantee traffic safety and ensure people's normal life after heavy snow and blizzards hit the region on Monday and Tuesday.

A major round of blizzards blanketed parts of Heilongjiang, Jilin and Liaoning Provinces, and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, disrupting transport and telecommunication facilities and prompting immediate response from local rescue departments. 

In Harbin, capital city of Heilongjiang, over 105,000 personnel and 20,000 sets of snow-clearing machinery and equipment have been deployed to tackle the mounting snow accumulation. The city has designated 44 snow storage sites where the snow is being piled up.

A view of Harbin City of northeast China's Heilongjiang Province on November 6, 2023. /CFP

A resident walks on a street amid heavy snow in Harbin City of northeast China's Heilongjiang Province on November 6, 2023. /CFP

Excavator working to remove snow in Harbin City of northeast China's Heilongjiang Province on November 7, 2023. /CFP

In Shuangyashan City of the province, farmers in Shuangxing Village raced against time to sweep snow off their 60 some greenhouses in an attempt to secure their winter vegetable harvest.

Songyuan City of Jilin Province dispatched nearly 100 heavy machines and over 1,300 personnel to minimize the devastation of the extreme weather.

Sanitation workers clear snow in Changchun City of northeast China's Jilin Province on November 6, 2023. /CFP

Shenyang, capital city of Liaoning, sent 107 teams and 553 machines to ensure safe driving on all the highways across the city. Local authorities said that a total of over 18,000 sanitation workers and over 2,000 machines are working across the city to remove snow.

Traffic police directing cars in Fuxin City of northeast China's Liaoning Province on November 8, 2023. /CFP

Parts of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region have seen local temperatures dive more than 10 degrees Celsius due to the cold front over the past two days. Forklifts, snow removal vehicles and personnel were deployed promptly to ensure smooth transportation on roads.

A voluntary rescue team is running across Tongliao City of Inner Mongolia to provide emergency rescue. The team, made up of over 50 drivers and more than 20 SUVs, have helped dozens of cars stuck on ice.

"I was on my way to work when my car got stuck here. Thanks to the rescue team, my car was pulled out," said Yu Yongbo, a local resident.

To ensure stable supplies of food and other daily life necessities amid the blizzard, Inner Mongolia government departments are currently updating the inventories of goods on a daily basis.

"We have professional product supply chains in operation amid such heavy snow. The information department made communications in advance to ensure that emergency plans are in place for the transportation of goods, so as to ensure normal supplies of vegetables, fruits, meat, eggs and dairy products," said Ma Shuang, manager of the customer service department of a supermarket in Tongliao City, Inner Mongolia.

(Cover image via CFP)

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