2023.11.09 16:46 GMT+8

Meet Jinbao, the beloved mascot of the CIIE

Updated 2023.11.09 16:46 GMT+8

A photo taken on November 3, 2023, shows a Jinbao installation at the 6th China International Import Expo. Shanghai, China. /CFP

A photo taken on November 3, 2023, shows a Jinbao installation at the 6th China International Import Expo. Shanghai, China. /CFP

A photo taken on November 3, 2023, shows a Jinbao installation at the 6th China International Import Expo. Shanghai, China. /CFP

A photo taken on November 5, 2023, shows a collection of Jinbao pins. /CFP

The mascot and emblem of the China International Import Expo is an endearing giant panda named Jinbao. Adorned in a blue and yellow scarf intricately embroidered with the CIIE logo, this lovable panda is captured mid-jump, with a four-leaf clover in its left paw to symbolize good fortune, while offering a warm welcome to visitors with its right. The color scheme of the scarf holds significant meaning, where the yellow represents the Silk Road Economic Belt, while the blue symbolizes the Maritime Silk Road in the 21st century. 

This year’s exhibition hall has presented a delightful array of fresh Jinbao images, igniting a fervor for Jinbao-inspired cultural and creative merchandise, including plush Jinbao toys and collectible pins.

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