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Amid conflicts and escalating tensions in many parts of the world, peace and security stand as valuable assets and, in some contexts, even regarded as a luxury. Yet, in our ever more complex and interlinked world, attaining peace requires collective effort. How can the international community collaborate with individual nations to harmonize regulations and generate political impetus to address these life-threatening conflicts and their consequences? Specifically, how can China and the European Union contribute to this pivotal process? Join CGTN's special program for an in-depth discussion.
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Disinformation report hotline: 010-85061466
Copyright © 2024 CGTN. 京ICP备20000184号
Disinformation report hotline: 010-85061466
Amid conflicts and escalating tensions in many parts of the world, peace and security stand as valuable assets and, in some contexts, even regarded as a luxury. Yet, in our ever more complex and interlinked world, attaining peace requires collective effort. How can the international community collaborate with individual nations to harmonize regulations and generate political impetus to address these life-threatening conflicts and their consequences? Specifically, how can China and the European Union contribute to this pivotal process? Join CGTN's special program for an in-depth discussion.