2023.11.19 15:04 GMT+8

Xi-Biden meeting: Fix bilateral relations, strengthen multilateralism

Updated 2023.11.19 15:04 GMT+8
Bereket Sisay

Chinese President Xi Jinping and U.S. President Joe Biden take a walk after their talks in the Filoli Estate in the U.S. state of California, November 15, 2023. /Xinhua

Editor's note: Bereket Sisay is a special commentator on current affairs for CGTN, with a special focus on Africa. The article reflects the author's opinions and not necessarily the views of CGTN.

The most anticipated Xi-Biden meeting in San Francisco concluded with important agreements, including the restoration of high-level military-to-military communications. The two leaders also laid down guiding principles on major issues between the two sides, including developing a correct understanding of each other, properly managing differences, and strengthening dialogue and cooperation, as well as establishing a working group on relevant areas.

The commitment of both leaders to an open line of communication and discussion is very important because it prevents misunderstandings that could develop into a rift that would have enormous consequences.

As Chinese President Xi Jinping said, for two large countries like China and the United States, turning their back on each other is not an option. It is unrealistic for one side to remodel the other, and conflict and confrontation have unbearable consequences for both sides. Strengthening this idea, U.S. President Joe Biden also said, "vital miscalculations on either side can cause real, real problems," during his press conference with the media after the meeting.

Hence, such kinds of diplomatic engagements are of high importance in resolving some of the differences that have led these countries into confrontation (misreading), including the Taiwan question, export control, sanctions, investment screening, and others.

The meeting adds momentum to recent practical efforts by both sides to keep channels of communication open, underscored by an exchange of a series of high-level official visits, including the trip to China by California Governor Gavin Newsom and a bipartisan U.S. congressional delegation led by U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, as well as Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi's visit to the White House. This will also further promote communication at various levels to forge common understandings that install cooperation while sidelining the zero-sum game of confrontation, decoupling, and other equally compelling approaches.

Therefore, in this context, the meeting is considered a positive and important diplomatic meeting, as it plays a key role in reshaping the bilateral relations between the two countries, which have ebbed and flowed in recent years.

However, the Xi-Biden meeting has not only sent positive signals in mending bilateral relations between the two global powers but also injected optimism in steering multilateralism in the right direction, as the two leaders also conferred and reached consensus on areas of common global challenges.

Chinese President Xi Jinping meets with U.S. President Joe Biden at Filoli Estate in the U.S. state of California, November 15, 2023. /Xinhua

The meeting took place at a very critical time when the world is facing a variety of challenges brought about by the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, the crisis in the Middle East, and the climate-change-induced supply-side recession that is critically slowing down the global economy and hindering human progress.

Regarding climate change, on the eve of the Xi-Biden meeting, China and the U.S. pledged to accelerate efforts to address the issue, including committing to take steps to reduce emissions of methane and other greenhouse gases in addition to carbon dioxide. This is a huge step forward in addressing the growing human suffering resulting from the social and economic catastrophe caused by climate change around the world.

Besides this, the leaders have had constructive dialogues on the bold international security threats, although there has been no mention of points of agreement. Nevertheless, the mere act of diplomatic engagement on these issues has paramount importance and paves the way for further deliberations and a strong commitment to jointly contribute to solutions. The two sides differed in how to handle such crises, but they discussed how to build cooperation that would lay the groundwork for future merging.

Moreover, as both countries are important members of the UN Security Council, it is crucial to start an open discussion on these issues to put an end to these alarming security threats. Therefore, China and the U.S. rapprochement on areas of common interest are of high value as its ripple effects extend across the world given the countries' role in the global economy and security architecture. This is a clear sign that the two countries have taken a further step forward in jointly assuming their share of responsibility for global challenges, as both have pledged to avoid competition and to work together to address these issues.

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres once said "We need to restore a functional relationship between the two powers, it is essential to address the problems of climate change and many other global challenges that cannot be solved without constructive relations within the international community and especially between the superpowers."

The Xi-Biden meeting, therefore, beyond its great potential to shift the trajectory of China-U.S. relations into an orbit of mutual trust and confidence, also provides an impulse to make the international system work better for the common good.

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