2023.11.22 09:30 GMT+8

First China-Uzbekistan foreign ministers' strategic dialogue held in Beijing

Updated 2023.11.22 10:26 GMT+8

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi held the First China-Uzbekistan Foreign Ministers' Strategic Dialogue with Uzbekistan's Minister of Foreign Affairs Bakhtiyor Saidov on Tuesday in Beijing.

The two sides had comprehensive and in-depth communication and reached broad consensus on implementing the important consensus reached by the two heads of state and strengthening the synergy of development strategies, and jointly announced the establishment of a strategic dialogue mechanism between the two countries' foreign ministers.

Wang, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, said that China and Uzbekistan are friendly neighbors with a shared future. No matter how the international situation changes, the bilateral relations have maintained sound and steady development and are full of vitality.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi (R), also a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, holds the First China-Uzbekistan Foreign Ministers' Strategic Dialogue with Uzbekistan's Minister of Foreign Affairs Bakhtiyor Saidov, Beijing, China, November 21, 2023. /Xinhua

The close interaction between the leaders of the two countries shows the high level and particularity of China-Uzbekistan relations as well as the distinct features of the bilateral relations represented by mutual respect, good-neighborliness, solidarity and mutual benefit, Wang said.

China is ready to work with Uzbekistan to make good use of the new platform of China-Uzbekistan Foreign Ministers' Strategic Dialogue, advance all-round mutually beneficial cooperation and speed up the building of a China-Uzbekistan community of shared future, Wang said.

Wang called on the two sides to consolidate the belief of solidarity and mutual trust, promote common development, cultivate the public opinion for everlasting friendship, and safeguard peace and stability.

Saidov said that Uzbekistan cherishes the solid mutual trust between the two heads of state and the friendship between China and Uzbekistan and supports the global initiatives proposed by China, and will continue to abide by the one-China principle, firmly support each other and deepen strategic mutual trust with China.

Uzbekistan expects to comprehensively deepen all-round cooperation with China and push the bilateral comprehensive strategic partnership to a new level, said Saidov.

The two sides also agreed to further strengthen coordination within multilateral frameworks such as the United Nations and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, promote the building of China-Central Asia mechanisms, and safeguard regional peace, development, security and stability.

The two sides also exchanged views on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

Source(s): Xinhua News Agency
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