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Green technology expands agricultural market space

Li Chunding & Xing Zelei
A wind and solar energy project bathes in the morning sunlight in a town in Guizhou Province, captured on November 19, 2023. /CFP
A wind and solar energy project bathes in the morning sunlight in a town in Guizhou Province, captured on November 19, 2023. /CFP

A wind and solar energy project bathes in the morning sunlight in a town in Guizhou Province, captured on November 19, 2023. /CFP

Editor's note: Li Chunding is a director and professor of the Economics and Trade Department of China Agricultural University, and Xing Zelei is a PhD student at the College of Economics and Management at China Agricultural University. The article reflects the author's opinions and not necessarily the views of CGTN.

As global climate change and ecological environmental pressures intensify, the development of green agriculture has become a global focus. Recently, eight major departments in China jointly announced the fourth batch of national agricultural green development pilot zones. This marks a new, greener, and sustainable development stage for Chinese agriculture.

As one of the main areas of technological innovation, green technology enhances agricultural production efficiency and quality, while protecting and improving the ecological environment. It also aids agricultural economics in achieving a win-win situation for environmental protection and economic benefit, promoting the development of clean energy, environmentally friendly materials, and eco-friendly production methods. Amidst the backdrop of global green development, green technology has become a new focus of international cooperation and competition, with China's development in this field being crucial for facing international competition and participating in global cooperation. Thus, the rise of green technology in agriculture is not only an inevitable response to environmental challenges but also a key factor in driving agricultural technological innovation and high-quality development.

The role of green technology in expanding agricultural market space is reflected in several aspects: transforming agricultural production methods, achieving sustainable use of agricultural resources, driving industry integration and green transformation, optimizing the agricultural market structure, and enhancing agricultural competitiveness and market adaptability. These technologies, by introducing more efficient and environmentally friendly production methods such as water-saving irrigation and biological pest control, transition agriculture from a traditional reliance on chemical fertilizers and pesticides to a more sustainable model, thereby improving the quality and safety of agricultural products and expanding market demand. Additionally, the application of innovative technologies like precision agriculture improves resource utilization efficiency and reduces waste. Green technology also promotes the integration of agriculture with other industries, such as the bio-economy, driving the green transformation of the entire agricultural industry chain. Furthermore, by enhancing the quality and brand effect of agricultural products, green technology optimizes the market structure and meets consumers' demand for healthy and eco-friendly products. In summary, green technology provides strong support for the expansion of the agricultural market, bringing new growth points and competitive advantages that align with the global trend of sustainable development.

Policy support is the key to promoting the development of green agriculture. In the process of implementing green agriculture, China has taken a series of innovative measures aimed at guiding agricultural producers towards more environmentally friendly and sustainable production models through incentive mechanisms and institutional innovation. The Opinions on Innovating Institutional Mechanism to Promote Green Development of Agriculture, issued by the Central Committee in September 2017, was the first document on green agricultural development. Additionally, to accelerate the comprehensive green transformation of agriculture and continuously improve the rural ecological environment, in December 2021, six major departments in China issued the 14th Five-Year National Plan for Green Agricultural Development.

Currently, China has made important progress in green agricultural technology. Firstly, the overall strength of agricultural science and technology has significantly improved, evident in the number of highly cited research papers, reflecting the activity and impact of green agricultural technological innovation. Secondly, the continuous decline in the use of agricultural fertilizers for six consecutive years, is a concrete manifestation of the practical effects of green agricultural technology. Thirdly, the comprehensive progress in production, life, and ecology. According to the China Agricultural Green Development Report 2022, China's green agricultural development during 2021-2022 has achieved efficient utilization of agricultural resources, improvement of the ecological environment, and the greenification of agricultural production methods. It can be seen that the development of green agricultural technology in China has achieved positive results, but gaps still exist in cutting-edge technologies such as new materials and clean energy, requiring further technological innovation.

In the context of a deteriorating global environment, China's green agricultural revolution not only reflects a profound reflection on the traditional agricultural models, but also demonstrates a firm determination to transition towards sustainable development. This transformation is not only an inevitable choice for China's agricultural development, but also an important contribution to global environmental protection and sustainable development. In the long run, China's green agricultural revolution is expected to become a model for global sustainable agricultural development, with far-reaching impacts on global ecological protection and food security.

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