Tech & Sci
2024.01.06 17:04 GMT+8

Science Saturday: Glue, cosmic movie, space exploration and more

Updated 2024.01.06 17:04 GMT+8
By Tech It Out

New reversible glue

A new reversible glue could change the way we recycle! Experts from Newcastle University created the environmentally-friendly, water-based glue, which can easily detach labels from bottles. This helps in recycling and reducing landfill waste. The project has already secured more than a million dollars in funding. Its potential application across various industries mark a significant advancement in adhesive technology.

Cosmic movie

A time-lapse movie of our dynamic universe! The six-minute, 14-year film was revealed by NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope. It showcases gamma-ray sources, including solar flares, the glowing Milky Way, and jets coming out from super massive black holes in distant galaxies. Scientists say the discovery will help our understanding of the universe, as we continue to unravel the mysteries that surround it.

Space exploration

A record-breaking brown dwarf has been found! The object, weighing in at just three to four times the mass of Jupiter, was discovered by NASA's James Webb Space Telescope. Brown dwarfs, often dubbed "failed stars," are objects formed in a similar manner to stars, collapsing under their own gravity from dense clouds of gas and dust. But, unlike their counterparts, they lack sufficient mass to ignite the nuclear fusion processes that power stars, and remain largely invisible to the naked eye. The findings challenge our understanding of how stars are born.

Quantum processor

The world's first logical quantum processor has been unveiled! It is error-resistant and has the ability to overcome noise, which is the largest impediment to scalability in quantum computing systems. While the work is promising, it still needs to be reviewed by experts. But if the results are approved, it could represent a significant milestone in quantum computing research.

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