2024.01.17 15:14 GMT+8

Spacelog: What's the 'new arrival' on the Tianzhou-7 cargo spacecraft?

Updated 2024.01.17 15:14 GMT+8

Cargo packages with different colored labels to distinguish different usage, Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site, south China's Hainan Province. /China Manned Space Agency

China's Tianzhou-7 cargo spacecraft, now at the launchpad at the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site, is ready to send a new batch of "express delivery" to the country's space station for both the in-orbit Shenzhou-17 crew and the subsequent Shenzhou-18 crew.

It is the second cargo mission since the space station entered its application and development phase. Compared with Tianzhou-6, the loading capacity of Tianzhou-7 has been further boosted.

"One improvement in our cargo ship is that it is upgraded from the original standard version to an improved one, which has increased the loading space and weight by more than 20 percent, meaning more goods can be transported each time than before," Yang Sheng, researcher at China Academy of Space Technology, told China Media Group (CMG).

The cargo onboard the Tianzhou-7 spacecraft includes living supplies, clothing and food for taikonauts.

Apples shown to be delivered by the Tianzhou-7 cargo spacecraft. /CMG

Among the supplies, fresh fruit alone weighs nearly 90 kilograms, 30 kilograms more than was taken by Tianzhou-6.

"The quantity and weight of fresh fruit to be delivered this time have been further increased, which can improve the quality of taikonauts' life in orbit," Yang told CMG.

Yang said the increase in fruit will not require a reduction in other supplies, thanks to the improved carrying capacity of the cargo ship.

Shenzhou-17 taikonaut Jiang Xinlin with an apple. /CMG

Tianzhou-7 will also carry multiple scientific experiment payloads, and spare parts and maintenance parts for space station equipment.

It is also taking 1,750 kilograms of propellants, 700 kilograms of which will be used for space station replenishment.

All the cargo, including spare parts, taikonauts' personal supplies and food, are customized based on the entire system planning, said Yin Rui, deputy commander of the taikonaut system.

"We'll solicit individual suggestions from each crew and then try to meet their needs," said Yin.

In addition to daily necessities, festival gift packages, especially for the Spring Festival, have been prepared for the taikonauts, as well as gifts for the handover between the Shenzhou-17 and Shenzhou-18 crews in the space station.

"We have prepared 'blind boxes' of the Year of the Loong for them," said Yin, who said he hoped the gifts will bring the taikonauts a different New Year vibe. 

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