2024.01.18 10:11 GMT+8

China, Togo look forward to closer cooperation

Updated 2024.01.18 10:11 GMT+8

Togolese President Faure Gnassingbe (R) meets with visiting Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, in Lome, Togo, January 17, 2024. /Xinhua

Togolese President Faure Gnassingbe on Wednesday met with visiting Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Lome, with both sides expressing willingness to promote bilateral ties and advance cooperation between Africa and China.

During the meeting, Gnassingbe spoke highly of  bilateral relations and practical cooperation.

Under the framework of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, Togo and other African countries have achieved development in infrastructure construction, Gnassingbe said.

Africa has accelerated its economic growth, enhanced security and brought benefits to the people on the continent, he said, stressing that these achievements cannot be realized without China's long-term and selfless assistance.

Togo expresses gratitude to China for upholding justice in the international arena, opposing interference in Africa's internal affairs, and playing an indispensable role in Africa's peaceful development, the president said.

The African people need a friend like China, who takes care of Africa's realities, listens to Africa's demands, and never imposes its will on others, he said.

As a beneficiary of Africa-China cooperation, Togo will always trust China and carry forward the traditional friendship while deepening cooperation in various fields, he added.

In today's volatile world, Africa faces new challenges to its peaceful development and needs China's support and Africa-China cooperation more than ever, he said.

Wang, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, said that the China-Togo friendship, forged by the older generation of leaders, has become a model of South-South cooperation.

China will enhance the synergy of development strategies with Togo and support Togo in achieving sustainable development, he said.

China understands and believes in Africa, he said, noting that as long as Africa is united and independent, grows strong through unity, and finds a development path suited to its national conditions, it will be able to overcome difficulties and create new opportunities.

The 21st century is a century of revitalization for developing countries, Wang stressed, noting that China will always stand firmly with Africa, support Africa in accelerating its independent development, and promote the upgrading of China-Africa cooperation, to deliver more fruits of China-Africa cooperation to Togo and other African countries.

Wang said that China has provided a reference for developing countries to explore development paths suited to their national conditions, and China stands ready to share development experience and opportunities with Africa to realize modernization for both China and Africa.

Togolese Prime Minister Victoire Sidemeho Tomegah Dogbe (L) shakes hands with visiting Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, during their meeting in Lome, Togo, January 17, 2024. /Xinhua

Togolese Prime Minister Victoire Sidemeho Tomegah Dogbe said Togo firmly upholds the one-China principle and supports China in realizing national reunification at an early date during a meeting with Wang on Wednesday.

Togo admires China's remarkable development achievements and hopes to learn from China's experience to strengthen cooperation in such fields as poverty alleviation, agriculture, industrial parks, interconnectivity, digital economy, personnel training and environmental protection, to create more jobs and achieve inclusive and sustainable growth, Dogbe said, adding that Togo welcomes more investment from Chinese enterprises.

Wang also held talks with Togolese Foreign Minister Robert Dussey on Wednesday, with both sides pledging to enhance strategic cooperation between the two countries in their joint effort toward modernization.

(With input from Xinhua)

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