2024.01.20 13:22 GMT+8

Wang Yi wraps up Africa visit, hails deep-rooted friendships

Updated 2024.01.20 13:22 GMT+8

China and several African nations have reiterated their commitment to upholding each other's sovereignty and working together for shared development as China's top diplomat Wang Yi wrapped up a six-day visit to the continent, the traditional first destination of the New Year for Chinese foreign ministers.

During the trip, which brought Chinese Foreign Minister Wang to Egypt, Tunisia, Togo and Cote d'Ivoire, leaders of all four countries voiced their support for China's position on the Taiwan question by declaring their adherence to the one-China principle.

Read more: China, Africa vow continued communication, enhanced cooperation

Talking to the press on Friday, Wang, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, said this is a full demonstration of the tradition of China and Africa supporting each other.

The unity and friendship between China and Africa came into being as both sides fought for national liberation and independence, and was improved during the process of their common prosperity, he said.

"It is well worth cherishing and continuing," Wang added.

Wang voiced China's support for African countries in safeguarding their sovereignty and independence and exploring a path of modernization that suits their own national conditions. "China will always stand by Africa's side."

China supports African countries in uniting with one another for greater development and firmly holding the future and destiny of Africa in their own hands, the Chinese foreign minister added.

Stressing African countries should enjoy equal rights in the international system and have fair opportunities in global development, Wang said China stands for equality among all countries regardless of their size and opposes all hegemony and power politics.

"We are ready to work with our African brothers and sisters to promote an equal and orderly multipolar world and to usher in universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization," said Wang.

China stands on the side of peace

During the visit, the Chinese foreign minister had in-depth communications with leaders of Egypt and Tunisia as well as the secretary-general of the League of Arab States on the question of Palestine, as the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has continued for more than 100 days, resulting in large-scale casualties among innocent civilians and a serious humanitarian crisis.

Wang reiterated China's position, saying China condemns all acts that harm civilians, opposes any violation of international law, and supports all efforts aimed at preventing the escalation of the conflict and promoting the restoration of peace.

According to Wang, the Arab and Islamic countries highly valued China's position, praised China's impartial stance, and expressed hope that China will continue to promote a ceasefire to end the fighting and alleviate the humanitarian crisis.

To address the spillover effects of the Gaza conflict, Wang said he has also communicated and coordinated with the Arab side on the issue, in particular on ensuring the safety of waterways in the Red Sea.

From the outset, China has made positive efforts to ease tensions in the Red Sea, he noted.

China has called for an end to attacks on civilian ships and urged the parties concerned to avoid adding fuel to the tensions in the Red Sea and to work together in accordance with the law to maintain the safety of shipping lanes in the waters of the Red Sea, Wang said.

At the same time, China has also called on parties concerned to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the countries bordering the Red Sea, including Yemen, he added.

The Palestinian question has always been the core question of the Middle East, which is a matter of peace and stability in the region and a challenge to the moral conscience of humankind, Wang pointed out.

He noted China firmly supports the just cause of the Palestinian people to restore their legitimate national rights and the realization of their long-cherished aspiration to establish an independent state.

"Justice is already running late, but it must not be forever absent," Wang hailed and called for the convening of an international peace conference of greater scale, scope and effectiveness as soon as possible.

Regardless of changes in the regional and international situation, China will continue to stand firmly on the side of peace and justice and make unremitting efforts to promote security and stability in the Middle East, the Chinese foreign minister asserted.

(Cover: File photo of Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Chinese foreign minister. /Xinhua)

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