2024.01.23 15:27 GMT+8

BizFocus Ep. 73: Will Huawei's HarmonyOS NEXT be a game changer?

Updated 2024.01.23 15:27 GMT+8

Editor's Note: CGTN launches a new series called BizFocus, where anchors and reporters explore the most vibrant business sectors and events in China. Through in-depth interviews with industry experts and on-the-ground coverage, we bring you the latest developments and trends in various business sectors.

Huawei, the Chinese tech giant, recently announced the open applications for the developer preview version of its new operating system, HarmonyOS NEXT. This system is based on Huawei's self-developed kernel and is expected to be three times more efficient than the Linux kernel used by Android. Referred to as "pure-blooded Harmony" by its creators, this system will no longer support Android apps. In this edition of BizFocus, we explore the possibility of Huawei's self-developed mobile operating system breaking the dominance of Apple and Android.

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