2024.01.28 14:02 GMT+8

Iran says it launched 3 satellites into space

Updated 2024.01.28 20:43 GMT+8

A photo released by the Iranian Defense Ministry, which it claims shows a satellite carrier being launched at the Imam Khomeini Spaceport in Iran's rural Semnan province, January 28, 2024. /CFP

Iran on Sunday simultaneously sent three domestically developed satellites into space for the first time in its space history, the Iranian Students' News Agency (ISNA) reported.

The satellites were launched to an elliptic orbit with a minimum altitude of 450 kilometers above the Earth's surface, the ISNA report said.

The three satellites are one communications and research satellite, Mahda, and two nanosatellites, Keyhan-2 and Hatef-1, the report said, adding that they were launched by a domestically built launch vehicle, Simorgh (Phoenix), from the central province of Semnan.

Mahda's primary mission is to assess Simorgh's performance over multiple tasks and evaluate new designs and technologies in space. The report said the other two will focus on global positioning and communications technology.

On January 20, Iran announced the launch of a domestically developed lightweight 47-kilogram research and telecommunication satellite, dubbed Soraya, using the homegrown Qaem-100 three-stage solid-fuel launch vehicle.

Source(s): Xinhua News Agency
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