2024.01.28 14:14 GMT+8

Mounted police safeguard communities in remote area of north China

Updated 2024.01.28 14:14 GMT+8

A team of mounted police officers has been patrolling the borders of the remote and desolate Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in north China, offering a helping hand to those in need. Established in 2019, the mounted police team comprises 10 members with an average age of 30.

Nearly half of the region under their jurisdiction consists of protected areas, such as wetlands and forests, necessitating travel on horses instead of in cars. One of their duties includes patrolling China's border with Mongolia, with each patrol covering 80 kilometers and taking at least two days. Along the way, they regularly visit local herding communities, learning about their needs and providing them with necessities, which are especially appreciated during snowy weather.

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