2024.01.29 21:54 GMT+8

MOFA: China hopes for effective implementation of ICJ ruling

Updated 2024.01.29 21:54 GMT+8

The Chinese Foreign Ministry on Monday said China looks forward to the effective implementation of a ruling issued by the International Court of Justice (ICJ), which requires Israel to take measures to prevent genocide in the Gaza Strip.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin made the remarks at a regular press conference when asked to comment on the ICJ's ruling.

On December 29, 2023, South Africa filed an application at the ICJ against Israel, concerning alleged violations by Israel of its obligations under the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide related to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

"The ruling, made by the majority of the judges, responds to the widespread concern of the international community to protect civilians, de-escalate the tense situation in Gaza, and ease the humanitarian crisis," Wang stressed. 

The spokesperson reiterated that China's position on the Palestinian question is consistent and clear, adding that China condemns all acts against civilians and opposes all moves that violate international law.

To resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the fundamental way out is to implement the two-state solution and push for an early, comprehensive, just and lasting solution to the Palestinian question, he added.

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