2024.02.02 15:09 GMT+8

Lotus seeds in Wufu Ancient Town

Updated 2024.02.02 15:09 GMT+8

Fresh lotus seeds are seen in Wufu Ancient Town, Fujian Province /CGTN

Fresh lotus seeds are seen in Wufu Ancient Town, Fujian Province /CGTN

Fresh lotus seeds are seen in Wufu Ancient Town, Fujian Province /CGTN

Fresh lotus seeds are seen in Wufu Ancient Town, Fujian Province /CGTN

In Wufu Ancient Town, located in southeast China's Fujian Province, green spiky pods are a common sight. These contain lotus seeds, enjoyed as a snack for their fresh macadamia nut-like flavor. Apart from their culinary use, the seeds are employed creatively by the local villagers to decorate their surroundings, establishing them as a distinctive regional motif. 

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