2024.02.07 15:37 GMT+8

Dragon lantern stretches along ancient Beijing shopping precinct

Updated 2024.02.07 15:37 GMT+8

A photo shows a large dragon lantern in the Shichahai shopping area in Beijing, on February 6, 2024. /IC

A photo shows people taking a selfie with a large dragon lantern in the Shichahai shopping area in Beijing, on February 6, 2024. /IC

A photo shows a large dragon lantern near the lake at the Shichahai shopping area in Beijing, on February 6, 2024. /IC

A photo shows a woman taking a picture of a large dragon lantern near the lake at the Shichahai shopping area in Beijing, on February 6, 2024. /IC

A photo shows people posing for a photo with a large dragon lantern in the Shichahai shopping area in Beijing, on February 6, 2024. /IC

The long body of a dragon lantern snakes through the shopping area of Shichahai adjacent to Beijing’s central axis, bringing with it a sense of cheer and festivity. As if panting alongside the ancient, inner-city lakes, the dragon lantern stretches for 200 meters. Residents and tourists have been having a lot of fun posing for pictures with the new dragon ahead of Chinese New Year this weekend.

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