2024.02.08 12:18 GMT+8

China, Malaysia look to further boost 50-year ties

Updated 2024.02.08 12:18 GMT+8

Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia Fadillah Yusof (L) shakes hands with Chinese Ambassador to Malaysia Ouyang Yujing at a Spring Festival reception, February 2, 2024. /Chinese Embassy in Malaysia

The upcoming 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Malaysia is an opportunity to boost ties between the two countries, Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia Fadillah Yusof said in a recent speech.

"Malaysia looks forward to a more constructive engagement, including in promoting and enhancing people-to-people connection. The recent relaxation of visa arrangements for travelers from China to Malaysia, and vice versa, is a big step in the right direction," he said during his speech at a recent event to celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year hosted by the Chinese embassy in Malaysia.

The event also saw the launch of the logo for the 50th anniversary celebration, designed as a joint effort between Malaysia and China.

The design incorporates symbols such as China's Great Wall and giant panda, along with Malaysia's Petronas Twin Towers and national flower hibiscus. It represents a lasting and inexhaustible bond, as both governments are committed to ensuring the steady and far-reaching development of China-Malaysia relations.

For his part, Chinese Ambassador to Malaysia Ouyang Yujing said both nations will hold hands tighter and progress faster on the way to build a better future for the China-Malaysia community with a shared future.

"We should continue to make good use of our respective comparative advantages, strengthen development strategic synergy, further implement the high-quality construction of Belt and Road programs and deepen cooperation in emerging industries of digital economy, green development and intelligent manufacturing. Together, we will bring more benefits to peoples of both countries," he said.

China and Malaysia established diplomatic relations on May 31, 1974.

Source(s): Xinhua News Agency
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