2024.02.11 15:43 GMT+8

'Oh! My Greens' Ep. 9: A goodbye to Beijing's hutong rooftop garden

Updated 2024.02.11 15:43 GMT+8

From the summer of 2020, when Liang Si first visited Eddy's rooftop garden in Beijing's hutongs, to the autumn of last year, when they planted a pot of galaxy petunia together in the garden, Liang Si has witnessed the change and growth of his garden over the years. 

It was already midsummer when Liang Si went to his garden. This time, he was looking for new owners for his plants as he planned to move out of the hutong and out of Beijing not long after. Although it was hard for him to say goodbye to the beloved plants that had been with him for five years, he believed that every parting in life is for a better reunion. 

Director: Xing Fangyu

Cameramen: Gao Peng, Guo Yuanheng, Zhao Wenting

Video editor: Xing Fangyu

Copy editors: Wu Gang, Zhu Yingming, Claudine Housen

About 'Oh! My Greens'

What is a garden? It is a utopia that carries our dreams for a better life. It is an art that reflects our understanding of beauty. It restores our connection with the land. But is that all? In this series, Liang Si, a photographer who fell in love with plants, visits 100 people living with plants to explore why people garden, how to garden and the stories behind gardens.

For more:

Beijing hutong garden hosts community of plants, birds, pollinators and others

'Oh! My Greens' Ep. 3: Grab the last glory of autumn in Beijing's hutong garden

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