2024.03.03 20:57 GMT+8

In pics: Soliciting thoughts on new electric bike shed

Updated 2024.03.03 20:57 GMT+8

Caochang Community lies within the Qianmen area of Beijing. Li Zheng is the director of the local residents' committee, and he has recently overseen the construction of a public charging shed for electric bicycles. Keen to get some feedback, he has been going door-to-door, giving all the residents the chance to say what they think about the new facility. Based on the diverse opinions he has heard, he has managed to draw up a new set of regulations for using the shed.

Every inch counts in Beijing's narrow hutongs. /CGTN

An electric bike shed in a Beijing hutong. /CGTN

Li Zheng (R) gathers opinions on electric bike sheds. /CGTN

People listen to Li Zheng's feedback after soliciting public opinions at a meeting. /CGTN

A banner says communities should discuss and decide their own affairs. /CGTN

If our final decision serves to advance the common good, it makes sense, said Professor Wang Xixin of Peking University Law School. /CGTN

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