2024.03.07 18:39 GMT+8

How CGTN's 'Ask China 2024' campaign helps the world understand China

Updated 2024.03.07 18:39 GMT+8

CGTN recently launched its "Ask China 2024" social media campaign, captivating the global audience by inviting them to pose their questions about China. This initiative has collected a diverse range of inquiries from users worldwide through platforms such as YouTube, Quora, X and Facebook to facilitate this vast exchange of curiosity and knowledge.

Aiming to build bridges of understanding, "Ask China 2024" offers a platform for open dialogue, allowing people from different parts of the world to gain deeper insights into China's culture, policies and progress.

Questions that generate the most curiosity among netizens span a variety of topics, with many focusing on the lifestyle of Chinese people. Common inquiries include the following: "What is China's best holiday destination?" "What's the best way to learn Chinese?" and "Can I work as a foreign tour guide in China?"

Some of these questions were brought directly to the streets of Beijing and addressed by the locals themselves. For instance, in response to the question, "Why do Chinese people prefer drinking hot water?" one passerby explained, "Drinking hot water won't cause diarrhea," while another suggested, "I think it's because Chinese people are knowledgeable about maintaining good health."

Apart from exploring the insights of local residents, the conversation also shifted towards the experiences of foreigners living in China. One intriguing question posed, "Can I travel around China if I can't speak Chinese?" was inviting these international residents to share their experiences.

"Actually, you can travel (around China) without speaking Chinese," answered a foreigner, explaining that station names and city names are displayed in both Chinese and Pinyin, making it easy to read and distinguish them. Everything is on the phone, so it's perfectly convenient to travel around without having to go buy the tickets, he said.

Regarding the question of how China appears through their eyes, this foreigner noted that China could present challenges for avid shoppers due to the sheer convenience and temptation of online shopping. He mentioned that whenever he pulls out his phone, a vast array of apps are ready to satisfy any purchasing whim with an extensive selection of products.

Questions also touch on traditional Chinese aspects, including handicrafts, kung fu and cuisine. Inquiries like "What are the benefits of Chinese tea?" and "Why do Chinese dishes frequently include sweet and sour flavors?" explore the cultural heritage and practices of China.

Questions also delve into more significant topics related to the economy, national governance, education and scientific progress. These include inquiries such as, "Why is China the fastest-growing economy?" "How difficult is the college entrance examination?" "What is the most popular major in China currently?" "What's China's experience in forest and wetland protection?" "Does a disparity exist in technological development between urban and rural areas in China?" and "What's the current maximum speed of China's high-speed rail?"

Responding to the question of how China is working to protect farmers' incomes, a local resident expressed that, in her opinion, income protection measures are quite effective. Coming from a suburb, she has observed a clear improvement in the standard of living in her community over the years.

When asked how China's development benefits other countries in the world, a passerby from Mongolia responded, "We have this old saying, which means rich neighbor, good neighbor." He explained that their largest trading partner is China, with approximately 80 percent of their exports going there.

In response to the question, "Is China seeking world domination?" another local weighed in, emphasizing the wish for global harmony. "We want a peaceful world. The idea of dominating or being dominated doesn't align with our values. People around the world crave peace and mutual respect," he said.

The "Ask China 2024" social media campaign has opened a unique window into the lives, culture and perspectives of the Chinese people, addressing questions ranging from daily life and traditional practices to the complexities of China's rapid development and its global impact. As we continue to collect and share responses, we hope that this initiative could contribute to a more interconnected and understanding world, fostering a dialogue built on curiosity, respect and mutual learning.

(Cover image: Yin Yating)

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