2024.03.17 17:26 GMT+8

EP02|On the Trail of the Chinese Dragon

Updated 2024.03.17 17:26 GMT+8

Diverse images of animal totems have gradually merged together to form the familiar Chinese dragon that we know today. It bears witness to how the diverse cultures of the Chinese nation have united as one. 

Stay tuned to learn more about the AI-dubbed English documentary series "On the Trail of the Chinese Dragon." As the first AI-dubbed English documentary series by China Media Group, "On the Trail of the Chinese Dragon" consists of 7 episodes, each lasting about 5 minutes. With humorous explanations and witty visuals, it integrates elements of history, literature, archaeology, and biology, introducing a range of well-known cultural relics themed around the Chinese dragon throughout history, such as the C-shaped Hongshan culture jade dragon and a turquoise, dragon-shaped artifact unearthed from the Erlitou site.

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