2024.03.19 18:02 GMT+8

Guangzhou Thirteen Hongs Museum: A glance of Guangzhou's foreign trade legacy

Updated 2024.03.19 18:02 GMT+8

Various exhibits are on display at the Guangzhou Thirteen Hongs Museum in this southern coastal city of Guangdong Province, March 19, 2024. /IC

In the 18th and 19th centuries, amid the Qing Dynasty's reign, Guangzhou stood as the sole Chinese port engaged in foreign maritime trade, representing the direct connection between China and the West.

Various exhibits are on display at the Guangzhou Thirteen Hongs Museum in this southern coastal city of Guangdong Province, March 19, 2024. /IC

During this period, the Thirteen Hongs of Guangzhou emerged as pivotal engines propelling economic and cultural exchanges between China and the world.

Various exhibits are on display at the Guangzhou Thirteen Hongs Museum in this southern coastal city of Guangdong Province, March 19, 2024. /IC

Despite its name, the term "Thirteen Hongs" doesn't strictly denote a fixed number of trading houses. Historically, the count of hongs fluctuated, peaking at twenty-six at its highest.

Various exhibits are on display at the Guangzhou Thirteen Hongs Museum in this southern coastal city of Guangdong Province, March 19, 2024. /IC

Moreover, the "Thirteen Hongs" encompasses not only a geographical location housing foreign trading halls but also denotes a collective of hong merchants and a trade system that was once in use.

Various exhibits are on display at the Guangzhou Thirteen Hongs Museum in this southern coastal city of Guangdong Province, March 19, 2024. /IC

Established in 2016, the Guangzhou Thirteen Hongs Museum finds its abode within the Guangzhou Cultural Park, occupying the original grounds of the Qing Dynasty's bustling trading zone. 

Various exhibits are on display at the Guangzhou Thirteen Hongs Museum in this southern coastal city of Guangdong Province, March 19, 2024. /IC

Spanning over 3,000 square meters, the museum boasts an extensive array of invaluable historical documents and artifacts sourced both domestically and internationally, vividly portraying the illustrious history and prosperity of Guangzhou's Thirteen Hongs.

Various exhibits are on display at the Guangzhou Thirteen Hongs Museum in this southern coastal city of Guangdong Province, March 19, 2024. /IC

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