2024.03.20 18:30 GMT+8

See the Chinese word for spring equinox in a different way

Updated 2024.03.20 18:30 GMT+8

March 20 is this year's spring equinox, Chunfen, one of the 24 solar terms on the Chinese lunar calendar. In ancient times, it was said that "the Chunfen, yin-yang phase is also half. So day and night are even, cold and warm as well." According to meteorology, sunshine hits the Earth's equator vertically on the day of the spring equinox, so day and night are almost equal. Therefore, on this day, spring is divided into two, meaning half of spring has passed! Watch the video to see the Chinese word "春分" (Chunfen) in a different way.

Designers: Yu Peng, Zhang Tao

Editor: Chen Bo

Producer: Wu Haixia

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