2024.04.02 22:37 GMT+8

Iran, Syria strongly condemn Israeli attack on Iranian Consulate in Syria

Updated 2024.04.02 22:37 GMT+8

Syria and Iran on Monday expressed strong condemnation of the Israeli attack on the Iranian Consulate building in the Syrian capital, Damascus, earlier in the day.

Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad, who arrived at the scene following the missile strike, condemned the attack and stressed that the move would not affect Syrian-Iranian relations.

Iranian Ambassador to Syria Hossein Akbari told reporters at the scene that Israel's F-35 fighter jets had launched missiles targeting the Iranian Consulate's building, and he was in the Iranian Embassy building when the airstrike occurred. He said Iran will respond to Israel's attack on the Iranian Embassy with equal force.

According to Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), seven people were killed in Israeli airstrikes on the building.

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