2024.04.18 09:28 GMT+8

New Chinese UN envoy says dire situation for young Gazans must be addressed

Updated 2024.04.18 09:28 GMT+8

A young Palestinian man carries tools at a camp for displaced Palestinians in Rafah, Gaza, April 14, 2024. /CFP

Fu Cong, China's new permanent representative to the United Nations, on Wednesday stressed the importance of addressing the dire situation faced by young people in Gaza.

"'To save succeeding generations from the scourge of war' is the purpose of the UN," Fu said during the UN Security Council open debate on the role of young persons in addressing security challenges in the Mediterranean.

Highlighting the severe impact of the ongoing conflict in Gaza, he noted that more than six months of conflict have claimed the lives of more than 34,000 people. "Countless young people have fallen under the rubble and are mourning the loss of their loved ones."

Fu elaborated on the shattered lives and destroyed hopes of young potential leaders in Gaza, emphasizing, "They could have become teachers, doctors, and engineers, backbones of society, but the relentless fighting has devoured their lives."

Fu called for an immediate ceasefire and the lifting of blockades to allow humanitarian access, stating, "It is imperative to fully implement council resolution 2728 and achieve an immediate ceasefire." He stressed the necessity to "lift the blockade on Gaza to expand humanitarian access and give the population basic means of survival."

Discussing broader regional challenges, Fu pointed out that some Mediterranean countries are experiencing severe domestic tensions and persistent social unrest, which pose threats to regional stability and people's livelihoods.

He praised Malta's initiative to focus on the role of the youth in this context as "of positive significance."

On the refugee and migration crisis, he noted, "The issue is grim in the Mediterranean with over 3,000 people, including many young people, having died or gone missing while attempting to cross the Mediterranean last year."

Fu advocated for addressing the root causes of migration by improving conditions in underdeveloped regions, urging developed countries to "increase their support and assistance to developing countries."

Regarding the fight against terrorism, Fu highlighted the role of terrorist organizations like Daesh in exploiting young people in North Africa, the Sahel, and Syria. "The international community should support regional countries in their counter-terrorism efforts," he said, emphasizing the importance of economic and social development in eradicating terrorism.

Fu underscored the significance of fostering dialogue among civilizations across the Mediterranean, supported by the Global Civilization Initiative proposed by China. "We encourage the youth from Mediterranean countries to be at the forefront of this endeavor," he concluded, expressing hope that such cooperation would bring insights and promote global dialogue and peaceful development.

Fu, China's new permanent representative to the UN, on Tuesday presented his credentials to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, according to the Chinese Mission to UN.

Source(s): Xinhua News Agency
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