2024.04.19 21:06 GMT+8

China calls Information Support Force 'brand-new strategic arm' of PLA

Updated 2024.04.19 22:21 GMT+8

Wu Qian, a spokesperson for the Chinese Ministry of National Defense, speaks at a press conference in Beijing, China, April 19, 2024. /Chinese Ministry of National Defense

The Chinese Ministry of National Defense on Friday called the newly established Information Support Force a brand-new strategic arm of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA).

The inaugural conference of the PLA Information Support Force was held at the Bayi Building in Beijing on Friday afternoon.

"Establishing the Information Support Force through restructuring is a major decision made by the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the Central Military Commission (CMC) for the cause of building a strong military and a strategic step to establish a new system of services and arms and improve the modern military force structure with Chinese characteristics," said Wu Qian, a spokesperson for the ministry, at a special press conference on Friday.

"This is of profound and far-reaching significance to the modernization of national defense and the armed forces and the effective fulfillment of the missions and tasks of the people's military in the new era," said Wu.

The Information Support Force is "a brand-new strategic arm of the PLA and a key underpinning of coordinated development and application of the network information system," he said.

"It plays an important role and bears great responsibility in promoting high-quality development and the ability to fight and win in modern warfare," he added.

PLA embraces a new system of services and arms

Wu said that with the latest reform, the PLA now has a new system of services and arms under the leadership and command of the CMC.

There are four services, which are the Army, the Navy, the Air Force and the Rocket Force, and four arms, which are the Aerospace Force, the Cyberspace Force, the Information Support Force and the Joint Logistic Support Force, he said.

"As circumstances and tasks evolve, we will continue to refine the modern military force structure with Chinese characteristics," said Wu.

China upholds peaceful utilization of space

The spokesperson also stressed China's commitment to the peaceful utilization of space.

Space is a shared asset of humanity, and space security provides strategic assurance for national and social development, said Wu.

Building the Aerospace Force is "of great significance to strengthening the capacity to safely enter, exit and openly use space, enhancing crisis management and the efficacy of comprehensive governance in space and promoting peaceful utilization of space," he said.

China's space policy is clear, Wu said.

China is committed to peaceful utilization of space and stands ready to work with all countries with the same commitment to strengthen exchanges, deepen cooperation and contribute to lasting peace and common security in space, he said.

China to build a cyberspace featuring peace, security, openness, cooperation

At the press conference, Wu noted that cyber security remains a global challenge and poses a severe threat to China.

Developing the Cyberspace Force and cyber security and defense means are "important for reinforcing national cyber border defense, promptly detecting and countering network intrusions and maintaining national cyber sovereignty and information security," he said.

China actively advocates building a cyberspace featuring peace, security, openness and cooperation and is committed to working with the international community to jointly build a community with a shared future in cyberspace, said Wu.

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