2024.05.16 15:11 GMT+8

China is RCA rotating chair in 2024, expected to contribute more

Updated 2024.05.16 15:11 GMT+8

The Regional Cooperative Agreement for Research, Development and Training Related to Nuclear Science and Technology for Asia and the Pacific, or RCA, is holding its 46th regional meeting of national representatives in Beijing. The meeting closes on Friday.

The RCA aims to promote cooperation in nuclear science and technology among its members – in the form of joint research, seminars, training, expert services and others. It also advances the application of isotopes, radiation and other nuclear technologies in industries, agriculture, medicine, as well as in environmental studies – thereby bringing about social and economic development of this region.

China is the rotating chair of the RCA in 2024. Participants say they expect China to make greater contributions in nuclear science and technology.

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