2024.05.16 13:48 GMT+8

China monitors Philippine ships illegally gathered off Huangyan Island

Updated 2024.05.16 19:38 GMT+8

Philippine vessels are illegally gathered in the waters adjacent to Huangyan Island, May 16, 2024. /China Media Group

The China Coast Guard (CCG) monitored and collected evidence after Philippine vessels illegally gathered in the waters adjacent to Huangyan Island on Thursday.

A Philippine convoy organized by the Atin Ito coalition had been deterred by Chinese forces and stopped 50 nautical miles away from China's Huangyan Island, the Global Times, a newspaper, said on Thursday, citing a source close to the matter.

The Atin Ito coalition reportedly announced on Thursday that an advance team of its civilian-led resupply mission to Huangyan Island had "bypassed China's blockade," and the organizations' co-convenor Rafaela David claimed the "mission accomplished."

However, contrary to the claims made by the Atin Ito coalition, the Philippine vessels were deterred by the rights-safeguarding and law enforcement forces from the Chinese side. The source said they were stopped more than 50 nautical miles away from China's Huangyan Island.

The Philippine's declaration is a typical self-congratulatory and false narrative, the source said.

Read more:

Is the Philippines' Atin Ito really a civic group?

Huangyan Island dispute: Who 'poisoned' the South China Sea

Philippine vessels are illegally gathered in the waters adjacent to Huangyan Island, May 16, 2024. /China Media Group

Philippine vessels are illegally gathered in the waters adjacent to Huangyan Island, May 16, 2024. /China Media Group

Philippine vessels are illegally gathered in the waters adjacent to Huangyan Island, May 16, 2024. /China Media Group

The China Coast Guard monitors Philippine vessels illegally gathered in the waters adjacent to Huangyan Island, May 16, 2024. /China Media Group

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