2024.05.17 18:49 GMT+8

Chinese Foreign Ministry briefs media on Putin's state visit to China

Updated 2024.05.17 18:49 GMT+8

Chinese President Xi Jinping (R) shakes hands with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Beijing, China, May 16, 2024. /Xinhua

A Chinese Foreign Ministry official on Friday briefed the media about Russian President Vladimir Putin's state visit to China, his first foreign visit since his inauguration as president of his country earlier this month.

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Russia. Liu Bin, director general of the Department of European-Central Asian Affairs of Chinese Foreign Ministry, told reporters that Xi and Putin held "frank, friendly and informative" talks, drawing up a blueprint for the future development of bilateral ties from a new starting point and making strategic plans for bilateral coordination and cooperation in various fields.

During the visit, the two presidents signed and issued a joint statement on deepening the comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for a new era, on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of diplomatic ties, and witnessed the signing of more than 10 key cooperation documents, Liu said, adding that Putin also attended the eighth China-Russia Expo in Harbin, injecting new impetus to the growth of economic and trade cooperation between the two countries.

Five principles: precise understanding of stage of China-Russia ties

Xi put forward five principles that the two countries are committed to during his talks with Putin. Liu said these five principles, namely, mutual respect, win-win cooperation, lasting friendship, strategic coordination, and fairness and justice, are not only a summary of the historical experience of China-Russia relations but also a precise understanding of the current international situation and the stage of the bilateral relationship.

First, China and Russia are committed to mutual respect as the fundamental principle of relations and always render support for each other's core interests. The two sides will uphold the principles of non-alliance, non-confrontation and not targeting any third party, deepen political trust, respect each other's choice of development path, and realize development and revitalization with each other's firm support, Liu said.

In terms of win-win cooperation, he noted that the two-way trade exceeded $240 billion last year, close to 2.7 times that of a decade ago, which is a good indication of the all-round cooperation of mutual benefit that continues to deepen between the two countries. 

Going forward, the two sides will, in accordance with the consensus of the two heads of state, continue to promote cooperation in traditional areas such as economy and trade, energy and agriculture, and further explore new growth points for cooperation in artificial intelligence, high-tech and basic research, Liu added.

Noting China and Russia are committed to lasting friendship as the foundation of relations and carrying forward the torch of Sino-Russian friendship, Liu said the two sides have proposed a series of cultural activities that are down to earth, close to people's hearts and popular among them and have encouraged closer interactions between various sectors and at subnational levels.

Fourth, China and Russia are committed to strategic coordination as an underpinning of relations and steering global governance in the right direction, Liu said.

With Russia chairing BRICS this year and China taking over the chairmanship of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization later this year, the two sides will support each other's chairmanship, build a high-quality partnership that is more comprehensive, close, practical and inclusive, and build the unity and strength of the Global South, he said.

In terms of fairness and justice, a principle that both sides are committed to as the purpose of relations and dedicated to the political settlement of hotspots, Liu said that China and Russia agree that the question of Palestine must be solved on the basis of the two-state solution, and a political settlement is the right way forward for the Ukraine crisis.

China will continue to promote peace talks and, together with the international community, play a constructive role in the political settlement of hotspots, the official added.

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