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Talk to Sinologists: What are the similarities between the philosophical thoughts of Laozi and Socrates?


 , Updated 18:53, 22-May-2024

Did you know that Laozi and Socrates, two of the world's most influential philosophers, lived only about 100 years apart? What similarities exist between the philosophical thoughts of Laozi and Socrates? What are the common threads of Taoist and Western philosophies?

Misha Tadd, associate professor at Nankai University's College of Philosophy, explores the fascinating connections between Taoist and Western philosophies. Both Laozi and Socrates delved into the big questions about the universe, human existence and social organization.

Tadd highlights the common elements of humility and awe in both philosophies, emphasizing the recognition of the limits of human knowledge and the desire to connect with something greater than ourselves. Join us in this intriguing journey of philosophical discovery, and learn how the wisdom of the "Tao Te Ching" and the insights of the Socratic tradition can inspire us in our modern lives.

(Cover image designed by Liu Shaozhen, Zhang Tao; Video edited by Qi Jianqiang)

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