2024.05.23 21:48 GMT+8

Living on the edge: Israeli settlements a barrier to peace with Palestine

Updated 2024.05.23 21:48 GMT+8

The Israeli military announced this week that it would allow Israelis to return to three former settlements in the occupied West Bank that were evacuated in 2005. Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said the settlements would no longer be restricted by Israel's "Disengagement Law," under which several settlements were previously dismantled. Gallant called the return of Israeli nationals a "historic move" that would enable the development of settlements and improve security in the region. The United Nations regards Israeli settlements on occupied Palestinian territory as being in violation of international law.

CGTN's special program Infocus launched the episode "Living on the Edge," delving into the lives of Palestinian residents and Israeli settlers of the West Bank, revealing the plight of those displaced by settlement conflicts and the devastation left by the conflict, and re-examining this intense decades-long conflict.

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