2024.05.23 15:56 GMT+8

Let's Shellebrate turtles worldwide

Updated 2024.05.23 15:56 GMT+8

A file photo shows people feeding the turtles at a turtle reserve in Huizhou, Guangdong Province. /CFP

A file photo shows a turtle being released back into the sea in Huizhou, Guangdong Province. /CFP

A file photo shows a turtle being released back into the sea in Huizhou, Guangdong Province. /CFP

A file photo shows people releasing a turtle back to the sea in Hainan. /CFP

Let's Shellebrate! Today marks World Turtle Day, an annual event initiated in 2000 and sponsored by American Tortoise Rescue. This special day is observed around the world, aiming to raise awareness about the importance of protecting turtles and tortoises, along with their vanishing habitats. It's a call to action for people everywhere to take steps to ensure these fascinating creatures not only survive but thrive in our world.

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