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Talk to Sinologists: Taoist insights in global diplomacy



Have you ever wondered why quotes from Taoism are commonly found in popular media, movies and TV series? Even political figures and diplomats like to draw wisdom from Taoist philosophies.

One notable example was when former U.S. President Ronald Reagan quoted the "Tao Te Ching" in his State of the Union address. "This is the address the U.S. President gives every year, and he said that to govern a great country is like to cook a small fish," said Misha Tadd, associate professor at Nankai University's College of Philosophy. "Again, strange, like a bit paradoxical language."

Another instance was when former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon presented President Obama with the Taoist concept "Shang Shan Ruo Shui," symbolizing the highest good being like water.

Join us as Misha Tadd, also the director of Nankai University's Global Laozegetics Research Center, shares some memorable quotes and their profound meanings. Discover how these Taoist principles can be applied to various aspects of life, including diplomacy, and how they promote harmony and understanding in a complex world.

(Cover image designed by Huang Ruiqi; Video edited by Qi Jianqiang)

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