2024.05.23 13:24 GMT+8

Two governorates in Gaza completely out of health services

Updated 2024.05.23 13:24 GMT+8

Relatives of Palestinians who lost their lives in Israeli attacks mourn as the bodies are brought to a morgue at Al-Aqsa Hospital in Deir el-Balah, Gaza, May 22, 2024. /CFP

The governorates of Gaza and North Gaza have completely withdrawn from health services, no longer having the capacity to even provide secondary medical services, the Hamas-run media office said Wednesday.

In a statement, the office said the Kamal Adwan Hospital has withdrawn, and the Al-Awda Hospital has been besieged and out of service for the fourth consecutive day, with the cessation of primary care services, and the suspension of maternity and child care services, as well as children's vaccinations.

The suspension of health services threatens a looming humanitarian catastrophe affecting 700,000 people, it said, calling for the establishment of field hospitals, the immediate entry of medical delegations, and the supplies of medications and fuel to ensure the provision of the minimum reasonable level of medical service.

It noted that the Israeli army continued to target medical facilities and hospitals deliberately to permanently put them out of service, urging the international community to protect its health system and personnel, and enable them to continue their work.

A Palestinian youth writes 'Gaza, promise we will rebuild it' on a building destroyed by the Israeli army in Shuja'iyya neighborhood, Gaza, May 21, 2024. /CFP

At least 10 Palestinians were killed in an Israeli airstrike on a gathering in Gaza, medical sources and eyewitnesses said on Wednesday.

A drone targeted a gathering of Palestinians in the Zeitoun neighborhood south of Gaza City with one missile, according to Xinhua, citing local eyewitnesses.

Medical sources told Xinhua that casualties were transferred to the hospital in the city and 20 others were injured.

Gaza-based health authorities announced that the death toll in Gaza has risen to 35,709 and injuries to 79,990 since the Israel-Hamas conflict broke out on October 7, 2023.

Meanwhile, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) said that 75 percent of Gazan residents suffered forced displacement, with a large number of them displaced four to five times since the conflict broke out last October.

UNRWA said in a post on social media platform X that thousands of Palestinian families have nowhere to go, noting that Israeli military operations and bombardment pose a continuous threat, and buildings have turned into rubble with no haven in Gaza.

The agency's health centers in Gaza have not received any medical supplies in the past 10 days due to the closure of the Rafah and Kerem Shalom crossings in southern Gaza, it noted.

Meanwhile, the Qatari Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday that the country is "in full coordination" with Egypt and the United States in ongoing mediation endeavors aimed at securing a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.

In a statement sent to the Qatar News Agency, ministry spokesperson Majed bin Mohammed al-Ansari said the country aims to achieve an "immediate and lasting ceasefire" in Gaza, and facilitate the exchange of prisoners and hostages, ultimately leading to peace, security and stability in the region.

Palestinians wait around a mobile water depot in Khan Yunis, Gaza, May 21, 2024. /CFP

International recognition 

Norway, Ireland and Spain announced on Wednesday that they would officially recognize Palestine as a state.

Speaking at a press conference in Oslo, Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Store said Norway supports granting Palestine full membership status in the UN.

"Norway's formal recognition of Palestine as a state will enter into force on May 28. There will be no peace in the Middle East without a two-state solution. And there can be no two-state solution without a Palestinian state. In other words, a Palestinian state is a prerequisite for achieving peace in the Middle East," Store said.

He further explained that the territorial demarcation between Palestine and Israel should be based on the pre-1967 borders, with Jerusalem serving as the capital for both states. This stance is without prejudice to a final settlement on borders, which may include land swaps.

Norwegian Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide highlighted the urgent need for a ceasefire in Gaza. "What is most urgent at the moment is to achieve a ceasefire, ensure that enough humanitarian aid reaches the people of Gaza, and obtain the release of the hostages," he said.

On the same day, Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris and Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez confirmed that their countries would join Norway in recognizing the State of Palestine.

"Today Ireland, Norway and Spain are announcing that we recognize the State of Palestine, each of us will undertake whatever national steps are necessary to give effect to that decision," Harris said in Dublin, the Irish capital.

The Irish prime minister said that "Permanent peace can only be secured upon the basis of the free will of a free people."

"Palestinians in Gaza are enduring the most appalling suffering, hardship and starvation," he said. "A humanitarian catastrophe, unimaginable to most, and unconscionable to all, is unfolding in real time."

Spain's recognition will also take effect on May 28, following a Council of Ministers session. Sanchez stressed that Spain recognizes Palestine "for peace, for justice, and for consistency," urging both parties to engage in dialogue to achieve a two-state solution. He highlighted the necessity of ending reported abuses in the occupied territories.

(With input from agencies)

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