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Wang Yi says China and Brazil's common interest is their biggest asset


National flags of Brazil (L) and China are seen during a press conference at the Embassy of Brazil in Beijing on April 14, 2023. /CFP
National flags of Brazil (L) and China are seen during a press conference at the Embassy of Brazil in Beijing on April 14, 2023. /CFP

National flags of Brazil (L) and China are seen during a press conference at the Embassy of Brazil in Beijing on April 14, 2023. /CFP

China and Brazil have "highly complementary economies and deeply integrated interests, which is the most precious strategic asset" between the two countries, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Thursday.

As representatives of developing countries and emerging economies and key members of BRICS, the relationship between China and Brazil goes beyond the bilateral scope and has strategic and global significance, said Wang, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, as he met with Special Advisor to the President of Brazil Celso Amorim in Beijing.

The two countries have no disputes over geopolitical matters or practical interests and share similar stances on major international and regional issues, Wang said.

He said it is gratifying that countries represented by China and Brazil, as the Global South, have achieved collective rise, promoting a more balanced and reasonable global power structure.

Amorim said the relationship between Brazil and China transcends bilateral boundaries and holds strategic significance.

Brazil stands ready to closely communicate with China, plan and expand cooperation in various fields, increase trade and investment, explore new areas such as artificial intelligence and the digital economy, and continuously enrich the comprehensive strategic partnership between Brazil and China, Amorim said.

Wang and Amorim also exchanged their views on the Ukraine crisis, jointly issuing a document that spells out the consensus between China and Brazil on the political resolution of the conflict. They agreed that dialogue and negotiation are the only feasible ways to resolve the crisis, and all parties should create conditions for the resumption of direct dialogue. 

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