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Honduran FM reiterates country's commitment to one-China principle


A file photo of Honduran Foreign Minister Eduardo Enrique Reina García. /CFP
A file photo of Honduran Foreign Minister Eduardo Enrique Reina García. /CFP

A file photo of Honduran Foreign Minister Eduardo Enrique Reina García. /CFP

Honduran Foreign Minister Eduardo Enrique Reina García reiterated his country's commitment to the one-China principle during a recent interview with CGTN.

Given that Lai Ching-te's recent attempts to undermine the international consensus that recognizes that the Chinese island of Taiwan is an inseparable part of China, Reina said this is China's internal affair.

"We stick to a relationship with the People's Republic of China in recognition of this international principle," he said.

"I believe that there is a clear international trend," he said, adding that more than 180 countries and international organizations recognize the principle, which is very important for global peace and security.

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