2024.05.25 13:50 GMT+8

Harmony with nature: Fujian's treasured tulou dwellings

Updated 2024.05.25 13:50 GMT+8

A view of a tulou residence in Fujian Province /CGTN

A view of a tulou residence in Fujian Province /CGTN

A view of a tulou residence in Fujian Province /CGTN

A view of a tulou residence in Fujian Province /CGTN

A view of a tulou residence in Fujian Province /CGTN

Surrounded by mountains and waters, the tulou dwellings blend well with the natural environment. When building their tulou homes, the Hakka people pay attention to the ecological balance in order to minimize their environmental footprint. A tulou is not only a safe place to live, but also the integration of the culture and architectural skills passed down for generations among the Hakka people.

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