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China Weekly News Quiz: May 20-26, 2024

Moosa Abbas


Do you know what happened in China last week? Take our weekly news quiz to test your knowledge and get up to speed on the latest developments in case you missed something.

Select an option for the question below to find out if you got it right and click Next.
Chinese doctors last week announced the successful transplantation of a pig organ in a cancer patient. Which organ did they transplant?
1 / 5
U.S. carmaker Tesla last week began construction of a mega factory in Shanghai. What will be produced at the factory?
2 / 5
China generated 32.85 zettabytes of data in 2023, up 22.44 percent year on year, according to a report released at the 7th Digital China Summit in Fuzhou, southeast China's Fujian Province.‬ How much is a zettabyte?
3 / 5
Chinese para-athletes Shi Yiting and Wen Xiaoyan, respectively competing in T36 and T37 sport classes, set new world records last week at the Para Athletics World Championships in Japan.‬ In which race category did they set the records?
4 / 5
Renowned Chinese writer Wang Anyi was named Chevalier of the Legion of Honor last week. The award is the highest order of merit of which country?
5 / 5

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