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Eight avocets successfully artificially bred in Yancheng


Wetlands are rich in biodiversity and are ideal habitats for many bird species. In the Chinese Yellow Sea Wetland in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province, in early summer, eight artificially incubated avocets broke out of their shells. The first avocet hatched on May 15, and the average weight of the eight chicks was 18.6 grams when they emerged. The staff is present 24 hours a day, with feedings every two hours, mainly mealworms. It is the first successful artificial breeding of wader birds in the local area, and next the reserve will carry out wild training and release the artificially incubated avocets to help the population grow. There are as many as 285 species of birds monitored in the Dafeng area of the Chinese Yellow Sea Wetland.

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