2024.05.27 14:09 GMT+8

Oriental stork chicks take flight in Jiangsu

Updated 2024.05.27 14:09 GMT+8

Oriental stork chicks learn to fly in Rugao City, Jiangsu Province on May 23, 2024. /IC

Five oriental stork chicks are pictured in Rugao City, Jiangsu Province on May 23, 2024. /IC

Oriental stork chicks are pictured spreading wings at their nest in Rugao City, Jiangsu Province on May 23, 2024. /IC

Oriental stork chicks are seen perched in their nest in Rugao City, Jiangsu Province on May 23, 2024. /IC

A heartening scene unfolded as five Oriental stork chicks, a species under the first-class national protection, practiced flying on top of a transmission tower in Rugao City, east China's Jiangsu Province. Their parents had previously nested in the area and successfully raised five healthy chicks, all of which are now fully grown. The Oriental stork is a migratory bird that can live for more than 48 years.

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