2024.05.27 14:14 GMT+8

The life and cultural legacy of the tulou in Fujian

Updated 2024.05.27 14:14 GMT+8

A view of a family motto in a traditional tulou building in Fujian. /CGTN

A view of a family motto in a traditional tulou building in Fujian. /CGTN

A view of a family motto in a traditional tulou building in Fujian. /CGTN

A view of a family motto in a traditional tulou building in Fujian. /CGTN

A view of a family motto in a traditional tulou building in Fujian. /CGTN

A view of a family motto in a traditional tulou building in Fujian. /CGTN

Living in their tulou, the traditional buildings of the southeastern Chinese province of Fujian, Hakka people are accustomed to living in close proximity to one another. In their close-knit communities, they trust and help their neighbors. In a tulou, the family motto is recorded in a genealogy inscribed in the ancestral hall and carved above the doorway. Inside a tulou, you are constantly reminded of the community's core values, including the importance of loyalty, respect for elders, good manners, and honesty.

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